Sunday, June 24, 2012

Welcome to Striker's Online Money Blog! The intention of this blog is to provide a means of allowing just about anybody to make some additional part time cash, on their schedule and at their convenience. While many of these methods aren't going to make you filthy rich by any means, they can put a few extra bucks in your pocket or help you have a nicer Christmas, especially if your job may not perhaps allow you to have much in the way of discretionary income. This site will focus on three main areas, each with their own respective amounts of time investment: Passive Income, Semi Passive Income, and Active Income.

Passive Income: This type of income requires almost no effort on your part after the initial signup process. While it is the most convenient, don't expect much in the way of payouts. But these sites require the least effort and often run in the background.

Semi Passive Income: This type of income requires some sort of daily time investment or "routine" that must be performed to maximize earnings. Typically the routine consists of daily processes that should be performed to optimize income generation.

Active Income: This type of income typically requires the most effort to obtain income, but also typically has the highest potential for payout. This type of income usually involves "tasks" of some sorts, such as filling out surveys or questionnaires for income. Active income is the closest to "work" as you will get since this type of income requires the most time investment.

MY GOAL HERE is to help people avoid sites that are scams, help people become comfortable using money making sites as well as providing tips and tricks to help people maximize their profits on said sites. You can always find links on the right side to sites I recommend using to generate online income.

**If you see any information on this blog that may be inaccurate or could be improved upon, please let me know! Thanks!

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